Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Blue Screen of Death

Flying Grim Reaper Prank - By Tom Mabe

Even I have to think this is funny because this is SO like real life for me.  Folks see me, they run in fear.

I really do hope one day I can be just accepted in regular society, though.

See Tom Mabe's YouTube page by clicking here.


Well, good evening guys and ghouls!

My favorite holiday is around the corner.  It's my favorite time of year!  I get to go out, collect candy, and be among the living without someone being fearful of me.  It's good to finally be welcome into any part of society.

Not like usual when I show up and folks start panicking and crying and saying they need more time and breaking my heart.  I hate my job.  But, it's a necessary evil I guess.  And not really evil.  I offer a soft touch and am always glad to help folks get to the other side, wherever that may lead them.  Still, lots of sorrow abound and that's the part I hate.

But, I digress, I get to go out soon and just be around people without fear of the work I do--it's as if they expect me to show up and when I do they are so glad to see me!

Except for those who really can't see me, and then they mistake me for someone else.  I don't like doing my job, but sometimes?  I do it for the fun of it.  Even I get angry.

So, take care, plan a safe, happy Halloween, and I'll see you real soon!

Visit for more funny!!